The collection

Handbag, Punch-Bag

Designed by
Janne Kyttänen (born 1974), Jiri Evenhuis (born 1973)
Laser-sintered polyamide
Produced by
FOC (Freedom of Creation), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
27.5 x 30 x 2 cm

The Liliane and David M. Stewart Program for Modern Design, 2010.50

Finnish conceptual artist Janne Kyttänen is known for his 3-D-printed designs. In 2000 he cofounded FOC (Freedom of Creation) with Dutch designer Jiri Evenhuis. The design partners were the first to create textiles using rapid prototyping techniques.

Traditionally a linked handbag such as this would be made by interlocking the individual rings to create a mesh fabric, but with rapid prototyping, it is printed as a single piece, connected with its brass-knuckles-style handle, and then spray painted. The handle suggests a means of self-defense for the person carrying the handbag.

The Stewart Program for Modern Design, photo: Denis Farley.