The collection
Wide metal sink with drainage boards on both sides of the rectangular basin and handles and faucet set at the center of a rectangular backsplash.

Sink, Monel

Designed by
Gustav B. Jensen (1898–1954) and Edward S. Erickson (dates unknown)
Monel nickel
Produced by
The International Nickel Co., Inc., Huntington,West Virginia
50 x 104.5 x 55 cm

The Liliane and David M. Stewart Program for Modern Design, 2011.60

In 1930, a Monel sink was up to date and modern, and the nickel-based-metal designs sold by the International Nickel Company were popular. Prospective buyers could choose among several styles. The company brochure shows two “Streamline” versions with curved corners as seen here, and four “Straitline” versions with angled corners.

Danish-born and -trained industrial designer Gustav Jensen created products, packaging, and advertisements in the late 1920s and early ’30s. His design for International Nickel helped popularize the use of the new material in sinks, which were marketed as “modern, graceful and sanitary.”

The Stewart Program for Modern Design, photo: Denis Farley.