Good Design Principles
Portrait of Yves Béhar. A San Francisco-based designer and founder of fuseproject.

Yves Béhar

In 1999, the Swiss-born designer Yves Béhar founded fuseproject, the San Francisco–based industrial design firm that has produced some of the most innovative objects of the twenty-first century. His most famous design was an inexpensive laptop computer for children in developing countries. He creates products that are environmentally friendly and contribute to the well-being of society.

In January 2017 Béhar, inspired by Dieter Rams’s Ten Principles of Design, created his own list of principles for objects in the digital age. He said these new principles were increasingly made possible “by technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, and smart environments.” The similarity of Béhar’s principles to those developed by Rams shows the enduring legacy of modernism for today’s designers.


Good Design solves an important human problem.


Good Design is context specific (it doesn’t follow historical clichés).


Good Design enhances human ability (without replacing the human).


Good Design works for everyone every day.


Good Design is discreet (it provides “invisible interfaces”).


Good Design is a platform that grows with needs and opportunities.


Good Design brings about products and services that bring about long term relationships (but don’t create emotional dependency).


Good Design learns and predicts human behavior.


Good Design accelerates the adoption of new ideas.


Good Design removes complexity from life.